Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week One - Plan View


Carli Sekella said...

Hi Tim - The spiral is very interesting. It provides views into the object trouve and I think it can draw one through the spaces.

rbutera said...

Tim... the entry that you labeled as an abrupt transition seems to be more of a leading transition in that it funnels you into the larger space beyond. Perhaps widening the funnel and articulating a distinct plane that is passed through? Just an idea.

Tim Shremshock said...


I think it depends from which direction you are traveling.

rbutera said...

Ah yes, very true... it's an abrupt exit! Dual purpose in the form created.

werner said...

Tim, nice re-work. The AT is a bit problematic, as Rick points out. It works great from the large space back, but since the funnel and the opening have the same widths, the funnel space is not strongly terminated at the transition and bleeds into the large space.

Kyle Basilius said...

Tim, I would suggest working backwards from the way you enter the space since it seems the way you have your transitions laid out you are pushing people away as opposed to inviting them in. I would think you would start at the sculpture space...enter there have the lead transition lead you out into your other break out space and move through the gradual transition into the other spaces then get funneled out by the abrupt transition that is pushing you outward rather than pulling you in. And again...the arrows you drew could be what is throwing me off on this assumption...I wonder if I would have seen this if you had provided the image w/out the arrows telling me how the transitions work...hmm